Thursday, June 13, 2013

Day 15 in a foreign country

You will never believe what amazing occurrence happened today. I FOUND A FROYO PLACE! I was just walking down the street in the 100 degree weather, wishing for something cool, and immediately saw the glorious sign saying "Frozen Yogurt." There were only four flavors to choose from (the best being natural-aka regular) but it was great just finding my favorite thing in the world in Spain. I'm guessing the rest of my money will now go to this place.

Just kidding. It'll go to clothes, since I also discovered a ton of new stores today. And everything is so cheap! I got a pair of designer sunglasses today for 1.50 euro! And a dress for 6. I'm pretty proud of those purchases!

Speaking of that dress (which I'm sure you'll all see eventually), I have a (somewhat) funny story to tell. I was standing by the rack trying to decide which color to get (one size fits all, btw!) and a lady came up and admired the dress I was holding up. She started talking about how pretty all the colors were, which further complicated matters, as I already had issues making up my mind. So, I ended up asking this lady which color would look best on me. She pondered it for a moment, searched through the options, then had a friend come over and they both color-analyzed me until they picked out a mint-green color. It probably wouldn't have been my choice, but they said green was my color, and I need some more of that in my wardrobe anyway. So yeah, mint green dress!

I ran into some girls from the program in the Plaza (because now, I don't make plans. I just go there and find people to do stuff with) and we got TAPAS. That's now one of my favorite things to do. Can we please bring that over to the US? In the middle of a long, hot day, nothing beats sangria, french fries, and a pork-kebab. Plus, it was a perfect way to celebrate after finishing exams!

By the way, those were a piece of cake. I rocked them. Of course, I haven't gotten the grade back yet. But I rocked them. I really didn't need to study as much as I did. Oh well.

So now I have a break from homework/classes, I've had a fun day out with friends, and I'm ready for our program trip tomorrow! We are going to Oviedo, which is the capital of Asturias, which is in the north of Spain. There's a lot to see in the city, so we're going to go on a few tours, and then we have a kayaking/beach trip on Saturday! Apparently it's very cold and rains a lot there, so that should be fun...

I'm not bringing my computer with me (because we have to pack LIGHT-pshhhh, isn't everything I brought to Spain considered packing light?!) so you guys might not hear from me in a few days. Unless, of course, I end up blogging from my phone or someone else's computer. But I wouldn't really count on that if I were you. Lo siento!

P.S. The program directors found out I'm a lifeguard, and are now joking that I'll be able to save everyone when they fall out of the kayaks. Let's hope I don't have to save anyone, ok?
P.S.S. Someone pointed out today that in two weeks, we'll be back home. Follow this link for my reaction. (Make sure your sound is turned up LOUD) :)

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on beasting your tests!!! I knew you would :) (I love over studying!)
